Strengthen Organizational Ethics

What actions are you taking to prevent fraud in your company?

ScanEthics is an online questionnaire of 53 questions that takes between 10 to 15 minutes on a census basis, that is, everyone is invited to answer the questionnaire. It consists of closed and open questions, which are processed by artificial intelligence to generate an immediate report.

The ScanEthics fraud prevention methodology is based on seven factors associated with organizational ethical strength in a public or private institution, namely:

  • Perception of Justice and Equity.
  • Organizational Engagement.
  • Cooperation and Job Satisfaction.
  • Vitality.
  • Ethical Communication.
  • General Integrity.
  • Personal Economic Balance.

Know your organizational ethical culture, knowing the perceptions and opinions of your workers, opening an effective reporting channel

1,2% of workers use traditional fraud reporting channels, of which only 40% have any merit.

Benefits for your Organization:

  • The report provides scores for each factor detailing each risk indicator, suggestions for security improvements and reports of cases of lack of probity or internal fraud.
  • The Scan Ethics organizational ethics test is a comprehensive and high-impact diagnosis that guides development actions aimed at preventing internal fraud and other crimes.
  • The safety climate is a snapshot of the organizational ethical culture in a company in order to identify how ethics and honesty are perceived in daily work.
  • The report provides concrete guidance on what to do to promote a better organizational ethical culture, through precise and highly specialized information.


Name: ScanEthics
Use: Evaluation of collaborators of all positions anonymously.
Number of Questions: 53 items applied anonymously.
Application Time: 10-15 minutes.
Languages: Latin American Spanish.
Oriented to: All position level.

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Why use the diagnosis of organizational culture and ethical climate to prevent fraud, corruption and employee theft?

Fraud, internal theft, bribery, lack of probity and corruption generate enormous losses in public and private companies, affecting them in financial and organizational terms. 

According to international studies, 75% of workers admit to having stolen from their companies, and 95% of companies have internal theft problems.

Companies must take preventive measures by implementing filters through the use of honesty or integrity tests to improve their personnel selection processes.

For reduce employee theft and counterproductive behavior, the most recognized solution is the use of honesty or integrity tests in personnel selection processes, highlighting the integrity test INTEGRITY & PRODUCTIVITY ASSESSMENT REPORT or IPA-R, created to identify the level of integrity of a candidate before entering your company.

As is evident, improving the selection processes is not the only solution since this action allows the selection processes of new employees to be refined; however, it is relevant to act with the present organizational situation.

In this way, carrying out a comprehensive and effective diagnosis is an excellent measure to know the level of depth of the problem, which due to its illegitimate nature is often unknown by the management or direction of the organizations as it is essentially based on secrecy and concealment. of his behavior.

A key in the investigation and diagnosis of the existing organizational ethical culture is that not all employees are colluding with the cases of fraud, corruption or theft that are carried out, often having to be passive accomplices and accumulating great frustration over what happens. being willing to report what is happening. However, according to the evidence, only 1,2% of employees use institutional reporting channels (when they exist), for example via telephone, mail or a website, this is due to the mistrust that these instances often arouse.

ScanEthics goes further in methodological terms and assumes the value of employee communication in this matter, implementing a census so that all those evaluated have the chance to report existing situations of corruption or fraud.

The methodology for diagnosing organizational ethical culture also allows the measurement of seven essential factors associated with the prevailing ethical culture, in order to implement a work plan aimed at strengthening the central axes of organizational ethics.

I have fraud reporting channels in my company. Why should I implement ScanEthics?

Having reporting channels is an excellent measure to combat cases of fraud and corruption within companies, however, evidence has shown that only 1,2% of workers use them.

The main reasons are associated with distrust regarding the actions that will occur after the complaint, the assurance of anonymity and confidentiality, and the eventual label of snitch that could be assigned to peers who found out about the complaint.

The evidence base of the ScanEthics methodology suggests that opening reporting channels is an effective measure, however the form is what must be improved. In particular, from a passive position, hoping that employees will be motivated to come forward and report, to go directly to each employee and ask for support to improve the ethical standards of the organization.

In this way, ScanEthics allows you to approach each employee and ask for 10 minutes of their time to provide relevant information about what is happening in the company in terms of ethics, fraud, or similar situations, always in a context of absolute confidentiality that facilitates sincerity. of the answers.

Due to the enormous amount of information collected, information processing is based on artificial intelligence to provide immediate results on what is really happening in the company, and is also complemented with various questions associated with dynamics other than employee fraud or theft.

It has been found that ScanEthics allows obtaining highly relevant information about what happens within organizations in ethical terms and is a methodology that definitely opens the communication channel with employees so that they present information related to these aspects related to organizational ethics. According to our studies, ScanEthics:

  • More than 90% of those evaluated are willing to suggest improvements in existing security and control systems.
  • 14% make complaints about specific cases of fraud or internal theft.
  • 4% are willing to personally report cases to management.

I doubt people will report fraud if ScanEthics is applied

The results have shown that ScanEthics allows you to effectively open communication channels on organizational ethical aspects.

It is worth mentioning that, according to the risk model, there would be high, medium and low risk employees depending on their level of commitment to internal fraud behaviors. The above is a product of various aspects of the individual order, traits, previous experiences, among others that differentiate people with respect to their regular ethical actions.

In particular, in order to expect positive responses to fraud reporting channels, the low and medium risk group are groups that, due to their lower level of commitment to illicit conduct, will most likely participate in these instances, reporting various situations of which They could be passive accomplices, or suspect, or know that something strange is happening.

ScanEthics accumulates multiple responses and a lot of information, which processed one by one, as is done with traditional reporting channels, would be an extremely slow, tedious and inconvenient process. In this way, relying on artificial intelligence favors obtaining immediate results regarding what is happening and fraud risk areas in your organization.

The use of ScanEthics allows us to be sure that internal fraud is being attacked with highly effective tools, and if there is an employee who knows something, and does not dare to communicate it, the appropriate space is opened for it by this means. The mere fact of presenting a suspicion already allows the loss control or crime prevention area to act preventively, aiming to identify procedures that may be being violated.

Having useful information obviously allows us to act on specific objectives and on safer tracks, rather than covering all organizational processes looking for possible fraud or vulnerabilities.

Why is it important to prevent fraud, corruption and employee theft in my company?

The crimes of fraud, corruption and employee theft are extremely damaging to any organization. Beyond the organizational aspects, its effects on organizational morale are often extremely detrimental.

One of the risk factors associated with the existence of an unfavorable ethical climate has to do with the generality of fraud or internal theft, since to the extent that they become widespread, this gives rise to new employees joining these behaviors. product of the supposed impunity and existing tolerance. That is, the existence of undetected cases of corruption or fraud is reproduced by infecting other employees who were doubtful of participating. In other words, impunity triggers the spread of these behaviors in organizations.

On the other hand, there is always the potential danger of damaging the image of the company or institution by involving third parties external to the organization that are affected, whether clients or companies, who will report the facts, in some cases with the press through, generating uncomfortable situations for private or public companies. 

Is it possible to do something about fraud, corruption and employee theft? I think the task is lost

In many companies, many managers may think that there is little or nothing they can do about employee fraud or theft.

The belief that opportunity is the determining factor of events, and that anyone faced with opportunity will engage in fraud or internal theft, has been refuted by scientific research.

It is key, first of all, to consider the individual risk level of each person regarding honesty behaviors. On the other hand, there are various organizational aspects that can favor and enhance ethical action, being key to monitor them, with tools such as ScanEthics to identify the status and paths for improvement and strengthening.  

Control and surveillance systems, effective reporting channels, implementing selection tests that measure honesty and monitoring people through ScanEthics are an effective combination to define effective prevention and control actions.

While this is true, some managers may believe that the task is lost. They are wrong, since there are methodologies based on theoretical and methodological terms that allow enhancing and strengthening organizational ethics.

Why is it so important to measure organizational ethical strength in public and private companies?

The ScanEthics methodology is based on seven factors that identify an organization with strong organizational ethical strength:

Organizational Factors

  • Perception of Justice and Equity
  • Organizational Engagement
  • Cooperation and Job Satisfaction
  • Vitality

Ethical Factors

  • Ethical Communication
  • General Integrity

Economic factors

  • Personal Economic Balance

To the extent that the organization's management focuses on enhancing these factors, this will result in various positive behaviors in organizational terms, highlighting in this case ethical strengthening as a natural result.

When there are external crimes, is there participation of my employees?

In terms of police investigations, there is always a source of information before committing a crime. Some key information about hours, available money, security, etc.

This source, in many cases, comes from within the companies, and in many cases it is undetected. Surprisingly, when robberies occur at companies, they are carried out knowing the specific times, where they knew exactly what to do and they knew exactly where the money was, etc. 

For example, the case of the robbery carried out at the Santiago de Chile airport in March 2020 stands out in this sense, called the robbery of the century. The theft amounted to US$15 million, and according to information in the press, despite the strict security measures, there were obvious vulnerabilities prior to the theft, which were fully known by a worker complicit in the crime, knowing how the airport works and money shipments, planning the robbery with privileged information about the security measures inside, and schedules, knowing exactly what to do.

It is difficult to say that having applied ScanEthics preventively would have prevented the theft of the century, but it very possibly would have provided clues about the vulnerabilities in the existing control systems and the evident laxity with respect to the protocols. More than one person would have drawn attention to these situations and the ease of access to the company without strict regulation, and perhaps anonymously would have drawn attention to suspicious behavior.

Another very renowned case was that of the Civil Registry in Chile, where some officials sold places in virtual queues illegitimately. This situation was reported in the media with extensive coverage and citizen indignation. Obviously, this unfortunate situation was unknown to the Civil Registry management, but evidently it was known to many people, possibly other officials. In this other case, the use of ScanEthics could perhaps have helped an official of the institution to anonymously give clues about what was happening inside the Civil Registry, preventing it from escalating as a scandal with the associated media repercussions.

Recapitulating these two cases, the use of ScanEthics could have provided sensitive information prior to the occurrence of the events. 

Definitely, the use of methodologies such as ScanEthics makes it possible to prevent these crimes effectively, providing timely information regarding events that are occurring or may occur in organizations. Despite the secrecy inherent in crimes of fraud or corruption, in organizations, there are always people who are suspicious, who see that something strange is happening, and who can give effective clues to avoid or prevent its occurrence.

What does the ScanEthics ethical culture diagnosis consist of?

The ScanEthics fraud prevention diagnosis corresponds to a 48-item questionnaire with Likert-type alternatives aimed at identifying the ethical strength of the organization, accompanied by 6 open questions with the purpose of knowing various aspects of the daily life associated with work, particularly related to existing cases of fraud, employee theft, or corruption, being an effective reporting channel to find out about hidden situations.

ScanEthics is applied on a census basis to all employees in an area of ​​the company, or to its entirety. It is applied online, taking on average 10 to 15 minutes to be answered.

The answers to open questions are processed using artificial intelligence, providing quick information on possible vulnerabilities to crime prevention and control systems within public and private companies.

The ScanEthics questionnaire is an exclusive and comprehensive evaluation tool, developed by a team of multidisciplinary experts made up of security experts, as well as psychometric experts, in order to generate a model that is useful for user companies, seeking to significantly reduce the associated losses. to fraud, corruption, bribery, theft and theft of employees in companies. Its use allows you to carry out a true scan of your organization in ethical terms.

The ScanEthics integrity test is currently available in Latin American Spanish and is used by public and private companies in Mexico, Colombia, Chile and Peru with excellent results in terms of its validity and reliability, effectively identifying existing risks, as well as knowing vulnerable areas in detail. and with violations of existing ethical codes. 

The ScanEthics fraud prevention methodology is used by public and private companies interested in improving their ethical standards and definitively preventing the occurrence of cases of corruption, bribery, internal fraud or employee theft by acting proactively.

This highly accurate organizational ethics assessment is answered online and measures the following seven scales in your organization:

Organizational Factors

  • Perception of Justice and Equity
  • Organizational Engagement
  • Cooperation and Job Satisfaction
  • Vitality

Ethical Factors

  • Ethical Communication
  • General Integrity

Economic factors

  • Personal Economic Balance

The results are complemented with open questions related to suggestions for improvements in terms of security, currently vulnerable areas and reporting of events that have occurred.

What factors does the ScanEthics ethical diagnosis of corruption, bribery and fraud measure?

The ScanEthics fraud prevention methodology is based on extensive studies developed, identifying 7 factors associated with organizational ethical strength aimed at protecting public and private companies against fraud, corruption and employee theft.

Next, we will detail the seven factors considered in the ScanEthics methodology, grouping them into organizational factors, ethical factors and individual economic factors.

Organizational factors 

It is made up of four factors that evidence has validated as correlated with fraud or internal theft in organizations, specifically Perception of Justice and Equity, Engagement, Cooperation and Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Vitality. 

To the extent that the organization presents better indicators in these four factors, it would enhance protection against these crimes. That is, workers, with the perception that they are treated fairly and equitably in the company, with a high level of commitment, job satisfaction and with high energy in their performance, would have a lower probability of participating in fraud or internal theft.

Perception of justice and equity 

Different models highlight the importance of workers' perception of justice when relating to their company. This is relevant when establishing a relationship with fraud and theft, as a consequence of reciprocity or the search for balance in the relationship. In other words, if the worker perceives that he is being treated unfairly, he will seek to equalize the situation through, for example, some counterproductive behavior, such as theft, fraud, sabotage, corruption, lower productivity, etc., in order to seek balance or "revenge".

The organizational factor Perception of Justice and Equity measures the perception of justice and equity in the organization's practices and decisions. 

The perception of justice refers to how employees interpret fairness and impartiality in actions, decisions and processes within the organization. When employees feel that the organization's policies, practices and decisions are fair, they tend to be more committed and motivated. The perception of justice covers areas such as distributive (justice in the distribution of rewards), procedural (justice in decision-making processes) and interactive (justice in social interactions and relationships).

Perceived equity refers to how employees perceive fairness in treatment and opportunities within the organization compared to their colleagues. Equity involves treating employees fairly and providing equal opportunities for development and promotion. The perception of equity influences job satisfaction and the construction of an environment where employees feel valued and recognized for their contributions.

Organizational engagement

Workers who work in a pleasant work environment and feel emotionally committed to the company where they work, undoubtedly, in addition to achieving greater productivity and better performance indicators, this condition would be a solid protector against counterproductive behaviors. Therefore, an organization in which there is a high level of engagement will be less exposed to situations of fraud or internal theft.

The Organizational Engagement factor measures the level of commitment and connection of employees with their work, their team and the organization in general. 

Organizational engagement is the extent to which employees feel emotionally connected to their work and show an active commitment to the organization's objectives and values. It is characterized by an enthusiasm for work, identification with organizational objectives, and a willingness to strive beyond basic expectations. Committed employees not only fulfill their job responsibilities, but also strive to contribute to the success of the organization. Engagement implies a sense of belonging, job satisfaction, and a meaningful connection to the organization's mission and vision.

Cooperation and job satisfaction 

The level of cooperation and job satisfaction act as protective factors against counterproductive behaviors, in particular by promoting positive behaviors that are favorable to organizational objectives. As with the other organizational factors, its incidence is greater in the group at medium risk of participating in counterproductive behaviors, since in some way they are in a susceptible and influenceable situation in the organizational environment. This is not the case for the highest risk group, who, for various reasons, mainly personal, are less susceptible and will look for the opportunity to commit fraud, because they have learned and encrypted behaviors.

The organizational factor Cooperation and Job Satisfaction measures the level of collaboration and satisfaction with the work environment in an organization.  

Cooperation and job satisfaction refer to the willingness and ability of collaborators to work together effectively and the degree of satisfaction they experience in their work environment. Cooperation involves active collaboration, exchange of ideas and synergy between team members. Job satisfaction relates to the degree to which employees find their work rewarding and are happy with their work environment, including factors such as organizational culture, leadership, development opportunities, and compensation.


Organizational energy or vitality is a key component of performance, which combines forces and collaboration, in contrast to the well-identified burnout syndrome or exhaustion syndrome associated with a level of chronic work stress poorly managed in organizational terms. Mainly as a phenomenon, burnout syndrome has been widely investigated in its organizational and behavioral consequences, especially its depersonalization component and its link with counterproductive work behaviors. This exhaustion is associated with learned apathy, which is evidently related to various harmful behaviors.

The Vitality factor measures the level of energy and organizational vitality. It focuses on the vitality and positive energy of employees, controlling the presence of burnout or exhaustion syndrome. 

Burnout syndrome is caused by inadequate management of chronic work stress, characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and lower professional effectiveness. The systematic review of studies on the relationship between work ethic and burnout syndrome has found the existence of a negative correlation between both. That is, organizations with ethical strength would present lower levels of exhaustion in their employees, and vice versa.

Ethical factors

Ethical factors are presented as complements to organizational aspects, which suggest that a positive work environment would protect organizations against fraud and other counterproductive behaviors. Extensive research, as has been documented, accounts for this influence.

These ethical factors are associated with aspects directly linked to manifestations of counterproductive behaviors. Applying sanctions, tolerance, control systems, ethical training, reporting channels, management commitment, etc. They are projected onto workers, favoring or discouraging ethical behavior.

According to the factor analysis developed, we were able to identify two factors specific to this area of ​​action, ethical communication and the perception of general integrity.


Ethical communication 

The way in which ethical behavior is reinforced in organizations is key to giving signals to workers about its importance for management, and must be complemented with clear behavioral codes, real sanctions and regular behavioral reinforcement, involving management or supervision. direct. Undoubtedly, the management's actions in a negligent, tolerant, ambiguous and absent manner, with respect to fraud, internal theft and corruption, would generate in the organization a kind of breeding ground for their promotion.

Ethical Communication refers to the effectiveness and coherence of the messages transmitted in the organization in relation to the importance of honesty, the application of sanctions for dishonest behavior, and the existence of internal control systems. It involves clarity and consistency in promoting ethical standards and communicating the consequences associated with dishonest behavior.

This factor investigates how the relevance assigned to ethics is perceived by the organization from a purely communicational aspect, that is, it measures the workers' perception of management's actions in this matter, and the associated sanctions. in order to reduce the probability of fraud within it.

A large study of ethical violations found that the best way to curb counterproductive behavior was through better communication, open dialogue, and serious management commitment to managing counterproductive behavior.

Overall Integrity 

In all human interaction, the influence of peers and the environment are relevant to behavior. To the extent that a high permissiveness, absence of internal controls, ease of committing fraud and generalization of this behavior in third parties is perceived, there would evidently be a kind of criminogenic contagion against which fraud and internal theft would be normalized, coming to accept them as legitimate and normal behaviors. Obviously this situation refers to an extreme situation, however, it reflects a situation in which there must be clear guidelines to deal with.

Regular ScanEthics-type studies are essential to know beyond the information that management receives in its regular reports. Knowing fraud situations directly from workers makes it possible to have sensitive and key information to effectively combat these counterproductive behaviors. ScanEthics includes a direct reporting channel that encourages each worker to detail situations of fraud or theft that occur daily.

The General Integrity factor measures the commitment of the organization and its members to ethical conduct and consistency in the application of these standards in the organization. This factor measures how widespread ethical behavior would be in the organization and the perceived commitment of management to reinforce it, promote it, and sanction non-compliance. That an organization has a high level of general integrity implies that the majority of its collaborators operate ethically, that there are solid preventive and control models, and that drastic and exemplary sanctions are applied for those who violate the trust placed. 

This factor is relevant, in particular, for those collaborators who are hesitant about some illegitimate behavior, since the generalized feeling of impunity could be a triggering factor, as well as the generalization of dishonest behavior. In this way, knowing the collaborators' perception of the level of general integrity allows defining actions aimed at directly affecting the probability of fraud or internal theft in organizations.

Economic factors

A third area of ​​factors is associated with individual economic requirements, which according to evidence has been linked to the presence of fraud within organizations and must be included in the model.

Personal economic balance

The Personal Economic Balance factor measures the level of adjustment between individual income and expenses. In the context of organizational ethics and the reduction of internal fraud risks, this factor has been identified as necessary to monitor since it has been shown to be a possible trigger for fraud. 

Personal financial balance refers to the effective management of individual financial resources, where income and expenses are balanced so that a sustainable standard of living can be maintained. This concept implies a person's ability to manage their finances responsibly. Maintaining a personal financial balance contributes to financial stability and can have positive effects on mental health and work productivity.

In the organizational context, attention to the personal financial balance of employees can be relevant because personal financial concerns can affect job performance and work ethics. Employees facing significant financial difficulties may be more inclined to engage in fraudulent or ethically questionable behavior to address their financial problems.


These seven factors allow for a comprehensive diagnosis of the level of ethical strength existing in an organization in order to program actions to strengthen and promote ethical conduct as well as corrective actions according to the results achieved.

The relevance lies in allowing a detailed understanding of the impact of organizational factors on fraud and being able to intervene in a timely manner. It is worth mentioning that the seven factors have validity and reliability, also supported by previous studies, based on various analyses, highlighting the factor analysis, which provides solidity to the model executed and presented.

A measurement instrument limited to forty-eight items was developed, as part of a comprehensive analysis of ethics from the perspective of the workers involved, providing essential and valuable information on the exact improvements to be implemented.

ScanEthics provides a final score called SE Index, which allows synthesizing the diagnosis made in each work area. Likewise, the report provided includes the analysis of six open questions, examined with artificial intelligence, aimed at identifying risk area conditions, specific fraud or theft situations, suggestions for improving preventive work and opening specific complaints.

The qualitative report allows you to complement the analysis, providing sensitive information on fraud. While it is true that many companies have institutional reporting channels, these have very limited results. ScanEthics, when applied online, allows for a personnel census application, enabling specific complaints to be provided anonymously.

Why use the ScanEthics ethical culture diagnosis in my company?

The importance of monitoring ethical standards within organizations has been demonstrated in order to prevent fraud, employee theft or cases of corruption. An effective way to monitor is the application of ScanEthics in order to prevent crimes within organizations.

Multiple evidence shows the relevance of organizational aspects in the presence of counterproductive behaviors, serving as protective factors. In other words, an organization with a solid ethical culture will be better protected against internal fraud behaviors, with clear ethical communication, minimizing them and detecting them in a timely manner through structured reporting methods.

On the other hand, organizations in which no attention is paid to the prevailing ethical aspects, will most likely be affected by a detriment in this sense, generating various situations of internal fraud or deep-rooted corruption networks.

For this reason, the use of the crime prevention methodology in companies, ScanEthics, allows you to know the status of this matter in your organization and to be able to plan ethical strengthening in weakened areas, as well as to focus on reducing the vulnerabilities of security systems. prevention and control detected through the reporting channels included in the questionnaire, and processed through artificial intelligence.

A major advantage of ScanEthics lies in its theoretical and methodological foundations, as well as its speed of application. For example, it is possible to apply within a week to all of a company's collaborators, and obtain the reports immediately upon completion of the application.

What information does it provide about existing crimes in my organization?

The ScanEthics labor integrity survey is applied online after 10 to 15 minutes on average, generating an easy-to-interpret report for your company.

The report provided consists of two sources of information. Firstly, scores are provided for the seven organizational factors associated with ethical strength in your company, as well as a global indicator of ethical strength aimed at understanding your current situation and planning improvement actions. On the other hand, 6 questions are considered aimed at identifying reports of risk areas or vulnerabilities, as well as specific complaints about fraud or theft of existing employees, extensive information, which thanks to artificial intelligence is possible to provide immediately.

The information provided will definitely allow you to identify risk areas and possible crimes that exist within your company. The existing anonymous reporting channels in the questionnaire facilitate these responses, and its census application also favors obtaining responses that are impossible to obtain by any other means.

How was it created?

The ScanEthics methodology was developed by the company VYA CONSULTING GROUP at the request of various clients who saw it necessary to implement an organizational integrity diagnosis that is quick, simple and provides relevant information on fraud, employee theft and corruption behaviors. existing.

First of all, we carried out an extensive literature review of the factors associated with fraud, employee theft and corruption, among others.

We developed a preliminary instrument of 79 items that was applied online to 484 employees of six companies anonymously, seeking maximum sincerity in the answers given. The application was carried out on people from six Chilean companies from different productive sectors (retail, technology, services, engineering, security and construction).

After carrying out various analyses, the final instrument was created with 48 items applied in an average of 10 minutes. 

Various analyzes were carried out in order to provide greater evidence of the validity and reliability of the ScanEthics integrity test, implementing artificial intelligence in the analysis of the qualitative reports in order to provide speed and precision in the results.

Customer benefits

As a client of our solutions, your company will receive access to the chosen tests and the online processing platform, as well as support from our experts for the best use of these solutions.

You will have training in the use of our tools and support for basic material and documentation of the developed models.

We are at your disposal to support you through comprehensive and professional advice.



From day one and throughout the service cycle, in-person or online training is available to all test administrators. Supported with exclusive audiovisual training material


Our team will always be available to answer user questions, usually with almost immediate response times, establishing a close long-term relationship.


Scientific research and publications provide solid support for evaluation decisions and enable accurate ROI calculations.


We are an interdisciplinary team of experts and researchers with vast experience in the fields of psychology, psychometrics and personnel evaluation.


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Lorem fistrum for the glory of my mother esse jarl aliqua take me to the sircoo. Of the prairie ullamco what design you are the very bad thing.