Measure work safety climate and culture

How can we measure the workplace safety climate in an organization?

The Workplace Safety Risk Radar or WorkSafeRR safety climate questionnaire is a tool that allows comprehensive measurement of the current situation of an organization in terms of workplace safety, identifying the main factors that influence the safe behavior of employees at the organizational level. , therefore, in the reduction of accidents.

The safety climate test Workplace Safety Risk Radar or WorkSafeRR measures eight factors in your organization

  • Management commitment to safety.
  • Peer commitment to safety.
  • Supervisors' commitment to safety.
  • Compliance with safety standards and procedures.
  • Quality of safety training.
  • Safety communication quality
  • Risk perception in the company.
  • Proactive Security Management.

Facilitates the collection of indicators for the Study of Safety Climate and Culture in your Organization in a Simple and Quick Way

Identify essential organizational factors in reducing workplace accidents.

Benefits for your Organization:

  • The report provides scores for each factor, as well as risk indicators, suggestions for improvements, and reports of unsafe conditions.
  • The safety climate study Workplace Safety Risk Radar or WorkSafeRR It is a comprehensive and high-impact diagnosis that guides development actions aimed at preventing workplace accidents.
  • The safety climate is a snapshot of the safety culture in a company in order to identify how safety is perceived in daily work.
  • The report provides concrete guidance on what to do to promote a better safety culture, through precise and highly specialized information.


Name: Workplace Safety Risk Radar or WorkSafeRR
Use: Evaluation of collaborators of all positions anonymously.
Number of Questions: 65 items applied anonymously.
Application Time: 10 to 15 minutes.
Languages: Latin American Spanish.
Oriented to: All position level.

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Reduce workplace accidents by strengthening the safety climate and culture in your company

Why use the diagnosis of workplace safety culture and climate to prevent workplace accidents?

Workplace accidents generate enormous losses in public and private companies, affecting them in financial and organizational terms. 

According to international studies, occupational accidents and diseases represent close to 4% of the world's GDP, and it is estimated that the average cost of an accident amounts to 10 thousand US dollars. 

Various studies indicate that more than 80% of workplace accidents are caused by the human factor. Training, selection and organizational programs must be strengthened to promote a safety culture within organizations.

Companies must take preventive measures by implementing filters through the use of workplace safety tests to improve their personnel selection processes.

To reduce workplace accidents, the most recognized solution is the use of workplace safety tests in personnel selection processes, highlighting the SAFE BEHAVIORAL DNA or SBDNA integrity test, created to identify the safe performance level of a candidate before enter your company.

As is evident, improving the selection processes is not the only solution since this action allows the selection processes of new employees to be refined; however, it is relevant to act with the present organizational situation.

In this way, carrying out a comprehensive and effective diagnosis is an excellent measure to know the level of depth of the problem, which due to its illegitimate nature is often unknown by the management or direction of the organizations as it is essentially based on secrecy and concealment. of his behavior.

A key in the investigation and diagnosis of the existing safety culture or work safety climate is to know at an informal level the perceptions and opinions of the workers themselves regarding safety within the companies, all through a structured process. research with a reliable and valid founded methodology. 

A relevant aspect included in the study of the workplace safety climate Workplace Safety Risk Radar or WorkSafeRR is that it allows opening communication channels at the level of occupational safety, collecting essential information for its improvement. In particular, the WorkSafeRR instrument includes open questions for reporting unsafe conditions and reporting incidents in the company, which are processed using artificial intelligence to obtain immediate results. 

In general, there are various channels for reporting incidents or unsafe conditions in companies, which unfortunately are not always effective in collecting valuable information. Workplace Safety Risk Radar or WorkSafeRR is an active search for them, since it is census-type, and must be applied to all workers, also anonymously, facilitating the sincerity of the answers, and when processed automatically, it provides timely information. on the actions to be implemented in the short term.

WorkSafeRR goes further in methodological terms and assumes the value of employee communication in this matter, implementing a census so that all those evaluated have the chance to report risk situations within the company.

The methodology for diagnosing the work safety culture also allows the measurement of eight essential factors associated with the prevailing work safety culture, in order to implement a work plan aimed at strengthening the central axes of work safety.

I have channels to report unsafe conditions in my company. Why should I implement WorkSafeRR?

Having reporting channels is an excellent measure to identify risk conditions and safety incidents within companies, however, evidence has shown that not all workers use them.

The main reasons are associated with distrust regarding the actions that will occur after the complaint, the assurance of anonymity and confidentiality, and the eventual label of snitch that could be assigned to peers who found out about the complaint (when it involves third parties).

The evidence base of the WorkSafeRR methodology suggests that opening reporting channels is an effective measure, however the form is what must be improved. In particular, from a passive position, hoping that workers will be motivated to come forward and report, to go directly to each employee and ask for support to improve the organization's safety standards.

In this way, WorkSafeRR allows you to approach each employee and ask for 10 minutes of their time to provide relevant information about what is happening in the company in terms of occupational safety and risk prevention, always in a context of absolute confidentiality that facilitates the sincerity of the answers.

Due to the enormous amount of information collected, information processing is based on artificial intelligence to provide immediate results on what really happens in the company, it is also complemented with various questions associated with different dynamics associated with the prevention of risks and accidents. labor.

It has been found that WorkSafeRR allows obtaining highly relevant information about what happens within organizations in terms of occupational safety and is a methodology that definitely opens the communication channel with employees so that they present information related to these aspects related to safety. labor. According to our studies, WorkSafeRR:

  • More than 95% of those evaluated are willing to suggest improvements in existing security and control systems.
  • More than 80% report unsafe conditions.

I doubt people will report risky conditions if WorkSafeRR is implemented

The results have shown that WorkSafeRR allows you to effectively open communication channels about workplace safety.

WorkSafeRR accumulates multiple responses and a lot of information, which processed one by one, as is done with traditional reporting channels, would be an extremely slow, tedious and inconvenient process. In this way, relying on artificial intelligence favors obtaining immediate results regarding what is happening, and areas of risk of accidents in your organization.

The use of WorkSafeRR allows us to be sure that the risk of accidents is being attacked with highly effective tools, and if there is an employee who knows something, and does not dare to communicate it, the appropriate space is opened for it by this means. The mere fact of presenting a suspicion already allows the risk prevention area to act preventively, aiming to identify security standards and procedures that may be being violated.

Having useful information obviously allows us to act on specific objectives and on safer tracks, rather than covering all organizational processes looking for possible non-compliance with safety standards and procedures.

Why is it important to prevent occupational risks in my company?

Workplace accidents are extremely harmful to any organization. Beyond the organizational aspects, its effects on organizational morale are often extremely harmful, and the injuries produced can undoubtedly have a high impact on people.

One of the risk factors associated with the existence of an unfavorable safety climate has to do with the generality of non-compliance with safety standards and procedures, since to the extent that they become widespread, this gives rise to new employees They add to these behaviors as a result of the supposed impunity and existing tolerance. That is, the existence of cases of non-compliance with safety standards and procedures is reproduced by infecting other employees who were doubtful of participating. In other words, impunity triggers the spread of these unsafe behaviors in organizations.

On the other hand, there is always the potential danger of damaging the image of the company or institution by involving third parties external to the organization that are affected, whether clients or companies, who will report the facts, in some cases with the press through, generating uncomfortable situations for private or public companies. Additionally, many clients require certain basic parameters of compliance with security standards that undoubtedly imply reducing risk indicators within organizations.

Why is it so important to measure the workplace safety climate in public and private companies?

The WorkSafeRR safety climate study is based on eight factors that identify an organization with a strong safety culture:

  • Management commitment to safety.
  • Peer commitment to safety.
  • Supervisors' commitment to safety.
  • Compliance with safety standards and procedures.
  • Quality of safety training.
  • Safety communication quality
  • Risk perception in the company.
  • Proactive Security Management.

To the extent that the organization's management focuses on enhancing these factors, this will result in improvements in risk prevention in the organization, highlighting in this case the strengthening of the safety culture as a natural result.

What does the WorkSafeRR safety climate diagnosis consist of?

The WorkSafeRR risk prevention diagnosis corresponds to a 65-item questionnaire with Likert-type alternatives aimed at identifying the organization's safety culture, including open questions with the purpose of knowing various aspects of the daily life associated with work, particularly related to report of safety incidents, unsafe conditions and suggestions for improvement to achieve better risk prevention indicators, being an effective reporting channel to find out about unknown situations.

WorkSafeRR is applied on a census basis to all workers in an area of ​​the company, or to its entirety. It is applied online, taking on average 10 to 15 minutes to be answered.

The answers to open questions are processed using artificial intelligence, providing quick information on possible vulnerabilities to risk prevention systems within public and private companies.

The WorkSafeRR questionnaire is an exclusive and comprehensive evaluation tool, developed by a multidisciplinary team of experts made up of safety experts, as well as psychometrics, in order to generate a model that is useful for user companies, seeking to significantly reduce workplace accidents. . Its use allows you to carry out a true scan of your organization in terms of occupational safety.

The WorkSafeRR workplace safety test is currently available in Latin American Spanish and is used by public and private companies in Mexico, Colombia, Chile and Peru with excellent results in terms of its validity and reliability, effectively managing to identify existing risks, as well as knowing in detail areas vulnerable and with violations of existing safety standards and procedures. 

The WorkSafeRR risk and accident prevention methodology is used by public and private companies interested in improving their workplace safety standards and definitively preventing the occurrence of cases of workplace accidents by acting proactively.

This highly accurate safety climate assessment is answered online and measures the following eight scales in your organization:

  • Management commitment to safety.
  • Peer commitment to safety.
  • Supervisors' commitment to safety.
  • Compliance with safety standards and procedures.
  • Quality of safety training.
  • Safety communication quality
  • Risk perception in the company.
  • Proactive Security Management.

The results are complemented with open questions related to suggestions for improvements in terms of security, currently vulnerable areas and reporting of events that have occurred.

What factors does the WorkSafeRR safety climate and culture diagnosis measure?

The WorkSafeRR fraud prevention methodology is based on extensive studies developed, identifying 8 factors associated with the strength of the safety culture aimed at protecting public and private companies against risks of workplace accidents.

Next, we will detail the eight factors considered in the WorkSafeRR methodology.

  • Management Commitment to Safety

The perception of workers about management's commitment to safety is a fundamental element in any organization, since it gives rise to different behaviors at the formal and informal levels. In particular, faced with the essential dilemma of privileging the productivity or safety of workers, it is essential that there is a clear and categorical vision, in which safe work is always privileged. In situations where there is some ambiguity in this regard, it could lead to non-compliance with safety regulations, or work overload that could lead to an accident.

The Management Commitment to Safety factor evaluates the perception regarding the level of management commitment to safety. Aspects such as the priority of safety over production, commitment to the goal of “zero accidents”, investment in safety, and sanctions applied for non-compliance with standards are evaluated.

The Management Commitment to Safety factor assesses workers' perceptions of management's level of commitment to workplace safety. It focuses on aspects such as prioritizing safety over production, commitment to the goal of zero accidents, investment in safety measures and responding to violations of safety standards. This factor is crucial, as leadership and clear management vision on safety are critical to establishing a safe work culture.

  • Peer Commitment to Safety

The impact of peers on behavior is a widely studied topic in behavioral sciences, which evidently has an impact on safe behavior in work teams. Working in a work group where peers correct and promote self-care would undoubtedly encourage safe behavior due to group pressure.

The Peer Commitment to Safety factor in the WorkSafeRR model assesses the generalized perception regarding the level of peer commitment to safety, involving regular use of PPE, general concern, and peer support promoting safe behavior.

The Peer Commitment to Safety factor measures the influence and commitment of coworkers regarding safety. It includes aspects such as mutual correction, promoting self-care, and peer support to promote safe behaviors. This factor is vital since group dynamics and social pressure among colleagues can be very relevant in promoting a safe work environment.

  • Supervisors' Commitment to Safety

The direct supervisor's support and commitment to safety is very relevant to enhance the safety climate, with the supervisory safety leadership role being an essential ally in the prevention of workplace accidents, prioritizing the care of people over goals. of production.

The Supervisors' Commitment to Safety factor measures the perception regarding the level of supervisory commitment to safety, identifying the level of incentive for safe behavior, its prioritization before productivity, corrective attitude towards non-compliance and adequate load management. labor.

The Supervisor Commitment to Safety factor measures the level of supervisors' commitment to safety in the workplace. Evaluates aspects such as encouraging safe behavior, prioritizing safety over productivity, and appropriately responding to safety breaches. The commitment of supervisors is essential, as they act as a liaison between management and workers, and are key to the effective implementation of safety policies.

  • Compliance with Safety Standards and Procedures

Safety standards and procedures are essential components of the risk prevention system in companies. However, they are not always complied with by collaborators. The possible causes associated with non-compliance may be diverse, for example, due to their dissociation with the operational tasks themselves, being difficult to apply as practical experience is not considered, or because they are unknown or too technical, making their understanding difficult.

In this way, the core of the Compliance with Safety Standards and Procedures factor is knowing the perceived level of compliance with safety standards and procedures, use of PPE, investigation of accidents for preventive purposes and having an adequate work area. 

The Compliance with Safety Standards and Procedures factor evaluates the level of adherence to established safety standards and procedures. Considers the use of PPE, following safety procedures and investigating accidents. This factor is crucial to ensure that security measures are not only theoretical but also effectively applied in practice.

  • Quality of Safety Training

Providing adequate training in the management of PPE and other preventive measures is key to safe performance. We consider the analysis of this factor as a measure that goes beyond the hours of training or protocols, since it investigates the workers' perception of the quality and usefulness of the safety training received, allowing us to go deeper beyond what is strictly formal.

The Quality of Safety Training factor measures the perception regarding existing safety training, considering knowledge in the use of PPE, usefulness of the training received, knowledge of emergency protocols and safety standards.

The Quality of Safety Training measures workers' perception of the quality and usefulness of the safety training received. It is not limited to the number of hours of training received, but delves into the relevance, practical application and understanding of the security practices learned. This factor is vital to ensure that workers are well informed and prepared to handle risky situations.

  • Safety Communication Quality

The communication aspect in the field of security in companies is a very relevant objective, since it is not enough to carry out actions or invest in improvements, and it must be adequately communicated to workers in order to demonstrate greater commitment and action. Likewise, receiving suggestions or reports from the workers themselves regarding safety is an essential challenge in increasing standards and acting proactively.

The Safety Communication Quality factor is constituted as a measurement regarding the perception of the quality of safety communication in the company, timely information on accidents that have occurred, promotion of incident reporting channels or unsafe conditions, and carrying out campaigns aimed at promoting safe behavior.

The Safety Communication Quality measures the effectiveness of safety-related communication within the company. Evaluates aspects such as clarity, timeliness, and bidirectionality of communication about safety practices, accidents, and worker suggestions. Quality communication is essential to foster an open and proactive safety climate.

  • Risk Perception in the Company

Investigating the perception of existing risks in the workplace from the perspective of the workers themselves allows us to go beyond what is strictly normative and procedural, delving into key aspects for preventive work.

In this way, the Risk Perception factor in the Company measures the perception of the risks existing in the company, the probability of an accident occurring, the level of risk associated with the tasks carried out daily and conditions that favor them.

The Risk Perception factor in the Company identifies workers' perception of the risks that exist in their work area and organization. Evaluates awareness of existing risks, the probability of accidents and the conditions that favor them. Risk perception is a key component to the adoption of conscious and proactive security behaviors.

  • Proactive Security Management

The essence of accident reduction is the prevention of their occurrence. Although it is true that the preliminary model did not consider this factor, the factor analysis developed isolated this element and gave it relevance, taking into account the importance of prevention within the organization in general.

The Proactive Safety Management factor measures the level of importance of the preventive role in the company, acting to prevent accidents proactively and implementing improvements.

The Proactive Security Management factor evaluates the company's preventive and proactive approach to security. Consider the implementation of measures to prevent accidents before they occur and the constant effort to improve safety practices. This factor is essential to promote a culture of prevention and continuous improvement in safety.

  • Synthesis


These eight factors allow for a comprehensive diagnosis of the safety climate prevailing in an organization in order to program actions to develop safe behavior as well as corrective actions according to the results achieved.

A measurement instrument limited to fifty-five items could be developed, as part of a comprehensive analysis of safety from the perspective of the workers involved, providing essential and valuable information on the exact improvements to be implemented.

WorkSafeRR provides a final score called WSRR Index, which allows synthesizing the diagnosis made in each work area. Likewise, the report provided includes the analysis of six open questions, analyzed with artificial intelligence, aimed at identifying unsafe conditions, incidents and suggestions for improving preventive work.

The qualitative report allows us to complement the analysis, providing sensitive information on what is happening at the security level, beyond what is strictly formal or procedural. Being an anonymous instrument favors the expression of existing situations associated with security that may require immediate attention.

Why use WorkSafeRR safety climate diagnostics in my company?

The importance of monitoring the safety culture within organizations has been demonstrated in order to prevent risks and reduce workplace accidents. An effective way to monitor is the application of WorkSafeRR in order to prevent risks of workplace accidents within organizations.

Multiple evidence shows the relevance of organizational aspects in the presence of risk behaviors, serving as protective factors. In other words, an organization with a solid security culture will be better positioned against breaches of security standards and procedures, minimizing them and detecting them in a timely manner through structured reporting methods.

On the other hand, organizations in which greater attention is not paid to safe conduct will most likely be affected by a detriment in this sense, generating various risk situations of workplace accidents.

For this reason, the use of the risk prevention methodology in companies, WorkSafeRR, allows you to know the status of this matter in your organization and to be able to plan the strengthening of the security culture in weakened areas, as well as to focus on reducing vulnerabilities. of risk prevention systems detected through the reporting channels included in the questionnaire, and processed through artificial intelligence.

A major advantage of WorkSafeRR lies in its theoretical and methodological foundations, as well as its speed of application. For example, it is possible to apply within a week to all of a company's collaborators, and obtain the reports immediately upon completion of the application.

What information does it provide about the risks existing in my organization?

The WorkSafeRR occupational safety survey is applied online after 10 to 15 minutes on average, generating an easy-to-interpret report for your company.

The report provided consists of two sources of information. Firstly, scores are provided for the eight organizational factors associated with the safety climate in your company, as well as a global organizational safety indicator (WSRR Index) aimed at understanding your current situation and planning improvement actions. On the other hand, 6 questions are considered aimed at identifying reports of risk areas or vulnerabilities, as well as specific reporting on risk conditions or incidents, extensive information, which thanks to artificial intelligence is possible to provide immediately.

The information provided will definitely allow you to identify risk areas and effectively prevent possible accidents within your company. The existing anonymous reporting channels in the questionnaire facilitate these responses, and its census application also favors obtaining responses that are impossible to obtain by any other means.

How was it created?

The WorkSafeRR safety culture measurement methodology was developed by the company VYA CONSULTING GROUP at the request of various clients who saw it necessary to implement a work safety diagnosis that is quick, simple and provides relevant information on existing risks. .

First of all, we carried out an extensive bibliographic review of the organizational factors associated with workplace accidents, among others.

We developed a preliminary instrument of 73 items that was applied online to 384 employees of three companies anonymously, seeking maximum sincerity in the answers given. The application was carried out on people from three Chilean companies from different productive sectors (cement, engineering and construction).

After carrying out various analyses, the final instrument was created with 55 items applied in an average of 10 minutes. 

Various analyzes were carried out in order to provide greater evidence of the validity and reliability of the WorkSafeRR integrity test, implementing artificial intelligence in the analysis of qualitative reports in order to provide speed and precision in the results.

Customer benefits

As a client of our solutions, your company will receive access to the chosen tests and the online processing platform, as well as support from our experts for the best use of these solutions.

You will have training in the use of our tools and support for basic material and documentation of the developed models.

We are at your disposal to support you through comprehensive and professional advice.



From day one and throughout the service cycle, in-person or online training is available to all test administrators. Supported with exclusive audiovisual training material


Our team will always be available to answer user questions, usually with almost immediate response times, establishing a close long-term relationship.


Scientific research and publications provide solid support for evaluation decisions and enable accurate ROI calculations.


We are an interdisciplinary team of experts and researchers with vast experience in the fields of psychology, psychometrics and personnel evaluation.


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Lorem fistrum for the glory of my mother esse jarl aliqua take me to the sircoo. Of the prairie ullamco what design you are the very bad thing.