Candidate and collaborator evaluation test

Generate Profiles tailored to you

Customize Multiple Profile Options

The DEEM® was created with the purpose of satisfying the requirement of our clients to have a test that would allow them to measure only those aspects necessary and relevant for each position, achieving an adjustment between the test applied and the required profile, based on a theory of traits.

DEEM® allows you to create your own evaluation for candidates and collaborators in selection, having a pool of 27 scales to which you can assign an expected score and also provide the relevance that each scale has in your profile, being able to differentiate between transversal and specific scales.

DEEM® Has the following scales

Available Scales

  • Learning Agility
  • Self-control.
  • Safe Behavior.
  • Dynamism.
  • Flexibility.
  • Innovation.
  • Honesty.
  • Leadership.
  • Commercial Profile.
  • Customer service.
  • Attention to details.
  • Initiative.
  • Influence.
  • Commitment.
  • Task orientation.
  • Analytical thinking
  • Persistence.
  • Planning.
  • Responsibility.
  • Teamwork.


Name: DEEM® Dynamic Employee Evaluation Model.
Use: Evaluation of candidates.
Number of Questions: From 50 to 130 items, depending on the configuration chosen.
Application Time: From 10 to 30 minutes estimated.
Terms of validity: Each of the scales has various validation studies independently, considering construct, concurrent and criterion validity.
Reliability: Evaluated using Cronbach's alpha for each scale, it meets acceptable standards.
Languages: Latin American Spanish, Portuguese and English.

Why use a test to measure personality factors associated with job performance?

Using a test to measure personality factors associated with job performance can provide several benefits for both employers and employees:


Staff pick: It helps employers identify candidates who possess personality characteristics that align with the demands and requirements of the specific job position. This can increase the likelihood of hiring people who are right for the role and will perform successfully in it.


Formation of Work Teams: It allows employers to form more balanced work teams by considering not only the technical skills of team members, but also their personality traits. A team with diverse personalities can be more effective in solving problems and generating innovative ideas.


Personal and professional development: For employees, understanding their own personality traits and how they relate to their job performance can be beneficial to their personal and professional development. It allows them to identify areas of strength and areas for improvement, which can guide skill development and career planning.


Working environment: By considering personality factors in the personnel selection and management process, employers can help create a more harmonious and productive work environment by ensuring that employees are compatible with each other and with the organizational culture.


Reduction of Personnel Turnover: By hiring people whose personality traits fit well with the job and the organization, employees are more likely to be satisfied in their jobs and committed for the long term, which can help reduce employee turnover.


In summary, using a test to measure personality factors associated with job performance can be a useful tool for both employers and employees in the selection, training and development process within a work context.

What is the Dynamic Employee Evaluation Model DEEM?

The Dynamic Employee Evaluation Model (DEEM) is a workplace assessment tool designed to measure a variety of personality factors considered relevant to job performance. It is used both in the selection of candidates and in the development of collaborators within an organization.


The DEEM was built taking into account personality factors from various tests and available empirical evidence on its validity and reliability in the work context, as well as studies carried out in Latin American companies. This model establishes key criteria for its application, including:


  • Measure personality factors that are directly related to the environment and work performance.
  • Be useful in personnel selection, team building, leadership development and personal development.
  • Be applicable to both candidates and collaborators in various areas of organizational development.
  • Allow evaluators to choose the factors to evaluate according to the criteria of the position.
  • Offer the option of choosing optimal scores for each profile, along with personality factors, to establish profile fit percentages.
  • Allow test takers to enter and complete the test online.


The DEEM is based on theories that establish a direct relationship between personality factors and successful performance at work, including the relationship between personality factors and counterproductive or counterproductive behaviors, personality factors identified by the O*NET, and behavioral theories. productive and reliable.


This model includes multiple scales designed to measure key aspects of job performance, such as ambition, agile learning, attention to detail, self-control, safe behavior, commitment, social trust, leadership, among others.


The DEEM operates online and is responsive, which allows its application from different devices with an internet connection. Automatic reports provide detailed information about the evaluation results, facilitating interpretation and subsequent dialogue with the person evaluated if necessary.


In summary, the Dynamic Employee Evaluation Model (DEEM) is a comprehensive evaluation model designed to measure a variety of personality factors associated with job performance, with the aim of supporting the selection and development of personnel within an organization.

Why use the Dynamic Employee Evaluation Model DEEM?

The Dynamic Employee Evaluation Model (DEEM) can be a useful tool in work environments for several reasons:


Precision in Personnel Selection: The DEEM helps employers identify candidates whose personality traits best align with job requirements and organizational culture. This can increase the likelihood of hiring people who will perform successfully on the job.


Collaborator Development: The DEEM is not only used in personnel selection, but also in the development of existing collaborators. It allows you to identify areas of strength and improvement in the personality of employees, which facilitates the implementation of personalized development programs.


Effective Team Management: By considering the different personality profiles of team members, the DEEM can help leaders build balanced and effective teams. This can improve communication, collaboration, and problem solving within the team.


Reduction of Personnel Turnover: By hiring and developing employees who fit well into their roles and organizational culture, DEEM can help reduce employee turnover. Employees who are satisfied and engaged tend to stay with the organization for the long term.


Improvement of the Work Environment: By better understanding employees' personality traits and their impact on work, DEEM can help create a more positive and productive work environment. This can lead to greater engagement, job satisfaction, and emotional well-being among employees.


In summary, the Dynamic Employee Evaluation Model (DEEM) can be a valuable tool to improve personnel selection, development and management processes in work environments, which can have a positive impact on organizational performance and employee satisfaction. .

What scales does the DEEM Test measure?

The DEEM Test measures a wide range of scales related to different aspects of personality and job performance. In the case of candidates, these are the 27 scales that the DEEM test includes:


  1. Ambition
  2. Agile Learning
  3. Attention to details
  4. Self-control
  5. Safe Behavior
  6. Commitment
  7. Social Confidence
  8. Consulting Others
  9. Dynamism
  10. Flexibility
  11. Honesty
  12. Influence
  13. Initiative
  14. Innovation
  15. Leadership
  16. Multitasking
  17. Task Orientation
  18. Analytical Thinking
  19. Perseverance
  20. Planning
  21. Responsibility
  22. Customer Service
  23. Tolerance to Stress
  24. Teamwork
  25. Commercial Profile
  26. Emotional Intelligence
  27. Reasoning

In the case of collaborators, these are the 17 scales that the DEEM test includes:


  1. Ambition
  2. Attention to details
  3. Social Confidence
  4. Consulting Others
  5. Dynamism
  6. Flexibility
  7. Influence
  8. Initiative
  9. Innovation
  10. Emotional Intelligence
  11. Leadership
  12. Analytical Thinking
  13. Commercial Profile
  14. Perseverance
  15. Planning
  16. Tolerance to Stress
  17. Teamwork


These scales cover a variety of aspects related to personality, skills and attitudes that are considered relevant to job performance in different contexts and roles within an organization. Each scale provides specific information about a particular aspect of personality or work behavior that can be useful in personnel selection, development, and management.

What information does the DEEM Test provide about the evaluated candidates and collaborators?

The DEEM Test provides a wide range of information about the evaluated candidates and collaborators. This information includes:


  1. Scale Results: The DEEM test generates scores for each of the scales that have been evaluated. These scores reflect the score obtained by the candidate or collaborator in each of the personality dimensions and skills evaluated.
  2. Comparison with Ideal Profiles: The scores obtained by the candidate or collaborator can be compared with the ideal scores previously established for the position or the desired collaborator profile. This allows you to identify which areas of personality and skills are aligned with the desired profile and which may need additional development.
  3. Detailed Interpretation: The DEEM test provides a detailed interpretation of the results obtained on each scale. This interpretation includes a description of the personality traits and skills evaluated, as well as their relevance to job performance in different contexts.
  4. Graphic Report: The results of the DEEM test are usually presented in the form of a graphic report, which visually shows the scores obtained on each of the scales evaluated. This makes it easier to understand the results and allows you to identify patterns or areas of strength and weakness quickly and clearly.
  5. Recommendations and Actions: Based on the results obtained, the DEEM test can offer specific recommendations for the development of the evaluated candidate or collaborator. These recommendations may include concrete actions to improve areas of weakness or leverage areas of strength in job performance.


In summary, the DEEM Test provides a wide range of information about the evaluated candidates and collaborators, including scale results, comparisons with ideal profiles, detailed interpretations, graphic reports and recommendations for personal and professional development. This helps employers make informed decisions about the selection, development and management of human talent within the organization.


*For you to carry out the analyzes you require, you can easily download the data from the evaluations carried out to Excel.

Can I apply the DEEM test to current employees or collaborators?

YES, the DEEM Test can be applied to both new candidates and current collaborators within an organization. The DEEM test is not limited only to personnel selection, but can also be used in the development and management of human talent in the company.


For current employees or collaborators, the DEEM Test can be a useful tool to evaluate their personality traits, skills and behaviors related to job performance. This can help identify areas of strength and improvement in employee performance, as well as provide valuable information for professional development and career management within the organization.


When administering the DEEM Test to current employees or collaborators, it is important to clearly communicate the purpose of the assessment and ensure that employees understand how the results will be used to support their development and growth in the company. Furthermore, it is essential to guarantee confidentiality and respect for employees throughout the entire evaluation and test application process.

How was the DEEM Test created?

The DEEM Test was created using a variety of methods and theories related to the assessment of personality and job performance. Below are some key aspects of how this test was created:


  1. Review of Literature and Relevant Theories: The creators of the DEEM Test carried out an exhaustive review of the scientific literature and theories related to the assessment of personality and job performance. This included exploring previous research on personality factors that influence success at work, as well as theories related to work productivity and organizational behavior.


  1. Selection of Scales and Relevant Factors: Based on the review of the literature and relevant theories, a series of scales and personality factors considered relevant for evaluation in the work environment were selected. These scales cover a wide range of aspects of personality and behavior that are believed to influence job performance.


  1. Development of Specific Scales: In addition to using existing scales from other tests, the creators of the DEEM Test also developed specific scales to measure particular aspects of job performance, such as multitasking, leadership, innovation, among others. These scales were designed to capture specific dimensions of work behavior that are considered relevant to success at work.


  1. Test Validation and Evaluation: Once the DEEM Test was developed, studies were carried out to validate and evaluate the effectiveness of the test. This included administering the test to samples of individuals in real work settings and comparing the results to established job performance criteria. These studies were used to ensure the validity and reliability of the DEEM test as an assessment tool in the work environment.


In summary, the DEEM Test was created by reviewing relevant literature and theories, selecting and developing specific scales, and validating and evaluating the test through empirical studies. This process guaranteed that the DEEM Test is a solid and reliable tool for the assessment of personality and work performance in different organizational contexts.

Does the DEEM Test effectively predict Job performance? How has it been validated?

The effectiveness of the DEEM Test in predicting job performance depends largely on the validity and reliability of the test, as well as the way it is used and interpreted in the specific organizational context. The validity of the DEEM Test refers to the ability of the test to accurately measure what it is intended to measure, that is, the personality traits and skills relevant to job performance. Reliability refers to the consistency and stability of the measurements obtained through the test.


The validation of the DEEM Test is carried out through various methods, which may include correlation studies with established job performance criteria, analysis of concurrent and predictive validity, analysis of internal reliability and test-retest, among others. These methods are used to determine whether the scores obtained in the DEEM Test are significantly related to the actual job performance of the evaluated individuals.


To validate the DEEM Test, test creators can conduct empirical studies in real work environments, where the test is administered to a group of employees or candidates and the results are correlated with objective and/or subjective job performance criteria. such as performance evaluations, supervisor feedback, turnover rates, among others.


In addition to the validation studies conducted by the creators of the DEEM Test, it is important to note that the effectiveness of the test may also vary depending on the specific organizational context in which it is used. It is therefore important that organizations wishing to use the DEEM Test conduct their own validation and evaluation of the test in their particular work environment to ensure its relevance and usefulness in that specific context.


In summary, the effectiveness of the DEEM Test in predicting job performance depends on its validity and reliability, as well as its ability to be validated and applied effectively in specific organizational contexts. This can be achieved through empirical validation and evaluation studies in real work environments.

Why does the DEEM test measure 27 scales in candidates and 17 scales in collaborators?

The difference in the number of scales between candidates (27 scales) and collaborators (17 scales) in the DEEM Test may be due to several reasons, which may include:


  1. Relevance to the Selection Process: For candidates, a broader assessment of a range of personality traits and skills may be required to assist in the selection process, where it is essential to assess different aspects of the candidate's suitability for the role. Therefore, more scales can be included to provide a more complete evaluation of candidates.


  1. Focus on Development and Performance Management: For employees already within the organization, the focus may be more on development and performance management rather than selection. In this case, a more specific evaluation focused on areas of improvement or professional development may be required, which could result in a smaller number of scales.


  1. Cost and Application Time: Evaluating external candidates may require a more thorough evaluation, which may justify the use of a greater number of scales. On the other hand, for internal collaborators, a faster and less invasive evaluation may be preferred, which could translate into fewer scales to reduce implementation time and cost.


  1. Differences in Objectives and Needs: Candidates and collaborators may have different goals and needs in terms of personality and skills assessment. Therefore, the number of scales can be adapted to satisfy these differences and provide a more relevant and useful assessment in each case.


In summary, the difference in the number of scales between candidates and collaborators in the DEEM Test may reflect differences in the objectives, needs and evaluation contexts for each group, and can be designed to provide a more complete and relevant evaluation in each case.

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